Sunday, September 11, 2011

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Beach Bum

Secret Spot

Acrylic on canvas.  Location unknown.  Portions painted freestyle


Acrylic on canvas.  Location unknown

Friday, January 2, 2009

The Blue Room

FOUND: Todays New York Times Travel section.

FACTS: The Blue Room, located in a wet cave just before the end of the road on Kauai’s North Shore, is one of the island’s many unusual geological formations. Similar to the Blue Grotto on Capri in Italy, sunlight shining through the clear waters creates an otherworldly blue light inside the cave.

The water in the wet caves comes from underground springs that eventually feed into the ocean. The water level in the caves are effected by the tide. Viewing in the Blue Room is best during high tide as the sunlight has a narrower opening into the chamber and more of the blue color is reflected.

Some things to keep in mind, there is a short hike to the cave and bacteria, such as leptospirosis is often present. You will see a sign posted nearby that states the hazard and states "No Swimming." But, if you are going to go anyway be aware that the water is very cold and in the Blue Room there is NOTHING to hold onto so you will have to tread water the entire time you are there. You will want to wear reef shoes to provide grip on the slippery lava rock.

From Ha'ena, take Highway 560 west. Both wet caves are located on the left just before Mile Marker #10, past the Ha'ena Beach Park. A short trail uphill leads to this cave.

REACTION: Mm, cant wait to go get a healthy dose of leptospirosis  

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Celestial Eye Goldfish

FOUND: An LA photojournalist has dubbed this little guy Masta Fug.  

FACT: The Celestial eye goldfish or Choten gan is a double-tailed breed of fancy goldfish.

Celestials first appeared as a direct mutation of the Telescope goldfish in the 18th century. Competing traditions lay claim as to exactly where this happened first, Korea or China.

Despite their limited vision and their lack of a dorsal fin, they are active and agile swimmers. They do require some special attention since, apart from sporting easily damaged upward-oriented eyes, and having limited vision, they are also sensitive to cold water temperatures. They are unable to compete with more vigorous goldfish for food. Sharp ornaments and objects in the aquarium are contraindicated. They are best kept with other limited-vision breeds (i.e the Bubble Eye) or in a tank of their own

REACTION:  A goldfish?! Forget those boring, plain looking things that your superior hand-eye coordination wins you at the carnival, call Korea, call China, get me those bubble fish!!